Vindage is an important old tradition in our land, for this reason we propose you to spend a day in the open air trying to harvest and crush the grapes.Here is the program
10,30 am: reception in our wine cellar
11am: in the vineyard to harvest the grapes
12,30am: lunch with the wine maker: Pasta salad, Rosted Ham with green salad, Grapes
During the lunch it’ll be possible to taste our wines
It’s important to indicate alimentary problems
2pm: crush the grapes as in the ancient times:
3pm: entertainment for the childern with the old games
4,30 pm: afternoon snack and delivery to the children of the “wine maker for a day” certificates
5 pm: Bye-bye! We’ll meet again in the spring to gift to the children a special bottle of wine with their photo on the label!
€ 28,00 adults
€ 22,00 children over3 years
Free for children under 3 years old
During the different moments of the day will be respected the spacing rules
Booking is obligatory.
It’s necessary to show “Green pass”
Inside is necessary to wear mask.